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Oxford Outreach

Writer's picture: Steve MilesSteve Miles

Testimonies from workers:

Myself and Pastor Patrick prayed with a lady who said she was finding it hard to get over her son's passing 3 years now. We encouraged her and prayed for her. She went away with a Tract.

Spoke to a lady who stopped near us. She seemed to be listening but then after a while she looked as if she was deep in thought. I went to her and she told me smiling that she was miles away in her own world as I approached. I introduced myself told her, where we were from and our mission in Oxford. Long and short is that she was smoking but apologised and was putting it behind her, then she put it out. She told me she was of the Eastern Orthodox faith. Told her what out faith was. She said she studied Theology and now does not believe in hell but in life after death. Reminded her of what the bible says about heaven and hell and about the wages of sin as opposed to the gift of God. Asked her if she died today if she would be in heaven, she said she is not sure. She was not practising as a believer. She said her situation was complicated, so she is away from faith. So I told her what we as born again believers do and that Jesus loves her and wants her to confess him and accept him in her life. She listened and I told her I would pray that the Holy Spirit will draw her to the Father. She went away with a Tract.

Spoke also to a Portuguese student who told me he is of the Catholic faith. I explained to him that the bible speaks of us being born again by us consciously repenting of our son's, ask for forgiveness from the Father through Jesus name. Not having any man or woman on the earth as a mediator. He was shocked to know that the bible speaks of this. He took the Tract and as I continued to tell him that he could confess his sins to Jesus directly and not to a Priest.

Another worker shares:

1. A young Muslim lady called Mariam, came up to the Track Table to find more about Jesus, she admitted looking into all the Religions as she was searching for the truth.

I shared the Gospel with her and gave her a Bible as she wanted one and pointed her to the Gospels. She agreed to read the Gospels.

I prayed with her that she will be convicted of the Truth and for God to protect her mind as she reads through the Gospels.

2. A young American man who stoodby listening to one of the preachers preach, I approached him and be said he was a liberal Christian who doesn't have a problem with homosexuality. He admitted that his Chuch is open to them.

I preached the Gospel to him reminding him that Jesus Christ came to die to save us from living in sin and not to condone sin in us.

The Holy Spirit convicted him and he rededicated his life to Christ; I gave him some materials to help him in his daily walk with Christ.

3. I spoke with a Student guide, working in Town with a team of others.

He found our preaching tantamount to hate speech and thought us bigots because of our stance on Homosexuality.

He wanted to know how could God possibly hate homosexual people just because they Love each other.

I explained what God means when Be says Love ,we read 1 Corinthians 13 and I told him it needn't be expressed sexually and especially not between man to man.

I explained that God has His standards and if we want eternal life, we just have to humble ourselves and allow God to lead us in His standards.

He wanted to see in the Bible where God said he doesn't approve of homosexuality, I showed Him a scripture in Leviticus where God specifically gives instructions against sexual immorality and showed him where it specifically mentioned homosexuality.

I wasn't able to persuade him any further but just thank God that the Holy Spirit certainly ast down high arguments in his mind that sought to exalt itself against the knowledge of God.


Gave 3 young foreign students the new Testament Bibles and they went away thanking God.

PRAISE God Almighty for His faithfulness and mercy and love towards us.

The Holy Spirit was certainly present powerfully.

And finally another worker testifies:

I gave an elderly women a tract yesterday, she took it and was going to walk away, I went back to ask if she would like me to pray for her she said yes,

I asked, what would she like prayer for ? she said,

Hope and peace, well I said great, Do you know who can give you what your asking for ? she said no, I said Jesus !!!, I told her about Jesus

I asked if she would like to accept Jesus as her Lord and saviour she said Yes,

Me and Debs prayed for her to accept Jesus.

Bro Jason took her details so ,he could pick her up this morning to take her to his church


All the Glory to our heavenly Father. Amen !!



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